Funeral Face-Off

Monday, October 21 – Tuesday, October 22 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. | The Lounge (Expo Hall)

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Monday, October 21 - Wild Card Round
Tuesday, October 22 - Championship Round

If you’re a fan of pub trivia, you’ll want to participate in this year’s Funeral Face-off - NFDA’s ultimate funeral service trivia challenge. Three-person teams will compete against each other during preliminary rounds this summer. The action then heats up on the Expo Hall floor for the Wild Card and Championship rounds. If you want to test your funeral knowledge for prizes, bragging rights, and convention trivia immortality, then start assembling your team today and sign up soon. Questions are provided by the American Board of Funeral Service Education. Participate or cheer on the teams at this year’s convention! 

Separate registration required

Sign up to participate in this year’s Funeral Face-Off by August 26.

Sign up to participate
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